ready to Represent us, Statewide!

Endorsements -From your neighbors, to across the State of California

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“I am honored to support and be the voice for Bill Brand’s posthumous endorsement of Nils Nehrenheim for Mayor of Redondo Beach. When Bill knew his term would be cut short, he wanted his friend Jim to complete his term, Nils to be the next Mayor.

Over the long term, Bill regularly expressed confidence in Nils’ fierce passion to fight for the people first, and be the next generation to lead us forward as our next elected Mayor. Moreover, like Bill, Nils has made the principled decision to refuse donations or endorsements from those who work for or do business with the City.

Nils knows this City well, and as a notable President of the Independent Cities Association, Nils established successful working relationships with officials from LA County and throughout the State of California. These key relationships will ultimately benefit the residents of Redondo Beach, and I believe that Nils is best positioned to capture that support.”

–Deirdre West Brand

“Leadership is not about being in charge, it is about taking care of those IN your charge.”

“I proudly endorse Nils Nehrenheim to be the next Mayor of Redondo Beach. I’m excited to work with a leader who not only is transparent in the decisions that are being made but inclusive in the discussions regarding the choices provided that inform that decision.”

Public Safety Chair, Austin Carmichael

“Nils was instrumental in creating the pathway to refinance our pension debt. We are saving over $100 million over the next 25 years.

These savings allow the City to invest in infrastructure and maintain a high-level of service to the residents.”

City Treasurer Eugene Solomon

Richard Montgomery city councilmemr and mayor of manhattan beach

“As elected officials, our word is our bond. Nils was the second President of Independent Cities Association from Redondo Beach, since 1976. He joined the Board in 2017, and reformed our organization from the ground up.”

Councilmember Richard Montgomery, Manhattan Beach.

“Leadership is not about being in charge, it is about taking care of those IN your charge.”

I proudly endorse Nils Nehrenheim to be the next Mayor of Redondo Beach. I’m excited to work with a leader who not only is transparent in the decisions that are being made but inclusive in the discussions regarding the choices provided that inform that decision. I’m confident in Nils’ ability to anchor us to the best of us. While he may not always get it right or do it right, my endorsement lives largely in my belief that excellence is measured by one’s commitment to the work. I ask but one thing – worry not about big shoes to fill. Be a proud cobbler of your own. Great leaders are not born – they’re made. I and many others for sure have your six!

–Austin Carmichael

Unanimously endorsed by the public safety commission

Gilbert M Escontrias , District 1

Nancy K Skiba , District 4

Jeffrey Christopher Gaul,  District, 5

Alan Klainbaum, District 2

Daniella M Wodnicki, District 4

Austin Carmichael,District 5

Unanimously endorsed by the Planning commission

Sheila W. Lamb, District 4

Robert Gaddis, District 2

Gale S Hazeltine, District 1

Wayne Craig, District 1

Jason J. Conroy, District 3

Roger K Light, District 5

Douglas G Boswell, District 3

Elected Officials Across California

 Mark Henderson
Mark HendersonCouncilmember
City of Gardena
Scott Houston
Scott HoustonElected Water Director
West Basin Water District
Ray Jackson
Ray JacksonCouncilmember & Former Mayor
City of Hermosa Beach
Steve Napolitano
Steve NapolitanoFormer Mayor & City Councilmember
City of Manhattan Beach
Rob Katherman
Rob KathermanElected Water Director
Water Replenishment District
Jovita Mendoza
Jovita MendozaCouncilmember
City of Brentwood
Kalimah Priforce
Kalimah PriforceCouncilmember
City of Emeryville
Richard Montgomery
Richard MontgomeryFormer City Councilmember and Mayor
City of of Manhattan Beach
Albert Vera
Albert VeraCouncil Member
City of Culver City
Dan O'Brien
Dan O'BrienMayor
City of Culver City
goran eriksson
goran erikssonFormer Mayor & Councilmember
City of Culver City
Dr. Julian Gold
Dr. Julian GoldFormer Mayor and Councilmember
City of of Beverly Hills

Residents Across Redondo Beach

  • Candace Nafissi
  • Douglas Sieker
  • Mike Romesser
  • Barbara Epstein
  • JP Suddeth
  • Arlene Pinzler
  • Bob Pinzler
  • Joy Abritten
  • Chris Goshow
  • Jon Frey
  • Lezlie Campeggi
  • Wayne Craig
  • Eugene Solomon
  • Eric Hermelim
  • Mark Irving
  • Jeff Gaul
  • Nanisi Skiba
  • Matt Schuler
  • Todd Loewenstein
  • Jessica Tier
  • Melanie Cohen
  • Sara Martin
  • Mike Martin
  • Carol Perry
  • Karen WiseJay Haughton
  • Holly Osborne
  • Jill Kalusn
  • Edma Adina
  • Greg Edmonston
  • Karen Edmonston
  • Carissa Robinson
  • Jamie Pagliano
  • Jerry Woodham
  • Mal Samples
  • Kristina Kelly
  • Kim Ridles
  • Anita Khullal
  • Ellen Lennok
  • Sarah Frassato
  • Yvonne Vick

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